- Invited Talk on Reflective Practice. UCD Centre For English and Global Languages. August 2024. University College Dublin, Ireland.
- Keynote Address TESOL Italy’s 48th National Convention: Getting to the HEART of ELT Dec 1, 2023
- ThankYou_Letter_Farrell
- Academic Keynote Address, 38th National Conference for Teachers of English (NCTE) from June 7 to June 10, 2023 (Photo with First Lady Costa Rica at opening ceremony)
- Plenary Address, Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea April 29-20, 2023.
- Invited Workshop, Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea April 29-20, 2023.
- Invited Discussion with Jack Richards, Korea TESOL International Conference, Seoul, Korea April 29-20, 2023.
- Invited Talk: SUNY Westchester New York, April 1, 2023
- Hawaii Conference, Jan 2023
- Invited Talk, Sheridan College, Toronto, Nov 30, 2022.
- Plenary, TESOL France, 2022, Paris, France Nov 18,19, 20, 2022.
- Seminar: Exploring the Relationship between Reflective Practice and Research/ers, Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Global English Education China Assembly 2022, July 28-31. Keynote Speaker
- “I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your plenary just then…You not only don’t look like a professor, but don’t talk like one either! I wish more plenary speakers would follow your mix of a little theory, lots of practical ideas and a few memorable anecdotes (like the letter of apology!)”
- TESOL Teacher Education Interest Section, USA Webinar: Second Language Teacher Education Journal Launch. May 18, 12-1pm Free:
- TEISTalk1
- Special Lecture TESOL Italy Val d’Adige-Etschtal, Reflective Practice. Jan 26,2022 Exploring Reflective Practice – January 2022 Exploring Reflective Practice – January 2022
- Lecture on Effective Teaching, York University Toronto TESOL Program, Jan 13 2022.
- Plenary Address, Korea TESOL RP SIG, Oct 3, 2021
Corona Virus Chaos!
- Virtual Talk Reflective Practice, Costa Rica, Oct 16, 2020.
- Keynote Address TESOL France November–Cancelled TESOL France 2020
- Keynote Address Maryland TESOL, November–Cancelled
- Keynote Address, Virginia TESOL, October–Cancelled
- Keynote Address, Vietnam, August–Cancelled
- Keynote Address, Mexico, June–Cancelled
- Keynote Address, Costa Rica, May–Cancelled
- TESOL, Denver, USA, March–Cancelled
- Keynote Address, Three Rivers TESOL, Pittsburgh, USA, October 16, 2019.2019 Conference-The Whole Program 1
- Invited Talk: Korea TESOL, Seoul, Korea Oct 12, 2019.
- Invited Lecture, Learning To Teach. York University, Toronto, June 2019
- Plenary Address, Reflective Practice, Brock University, May, 2019 Agenda Spring Perspectives 2019
- Plenary Address, Reflective Practice, York University, Toronto, April, 2019.
- Invited Talk, TESOL, ELTD Series, Atlanta, US, March, 2019.
- Plenary Talk & Workshop Reflective Practice, Canadian Armed Forces Language Center, Quebec, February, 2019.
- Invited Talk, JALT, Tokyo Japan, Professional Development, Oct 9th, 2018.
- Public Lecture, Tokyo Japan. Reflective Practice. Kanda International University. Oct 5th 2018.
- Lansdowne-Scholar: Lecture, University of Victoria, BC. Canada, Sept 2018.LING_05555_LL_Farrell_V3
- Invited Public Lecture, University of Victoria, BC. Canada, Sept 2018.
- Invited Coloquium Lecture, University of Victoria, Canada, Sept 2018.
- Plenary: Reflective Practice: Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, August, 2, 2018.
- Plenary: Reflective Practice For EMI Teachers. “English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at University: Challenges and Ways Forward” Conference, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria, Spain. June 1, 2018.Leaflet
- Lecture, Reflective Practice. International House Barcelona Spain June 5th 2018IH Barcelona.
- Tea With Distinguished TESOLers, 2018 Chicago, US, March 28, 2018.
- Plenary Address Post-RELC Conference 50th Anniversary, Bangkok, Thailand, 16 March, 2018
- Plenary Address RELC Conference 50th Anniversary, Singapore 12-14 March 2018
- Plenary Address ELT Ireland 4th Annual Conference 17th & 18th February 2017, Griffith College, Dublin, Ireland Annual Conference Timetable 2018 v6
- Invited Workshop University College Dublin, Ireland Feb 23rd 2018. UCD
- Keynoted Address Wisconsin TESOL, Madison USA, Nov 4th, 2017 WITESOL Fall Conference 2017
- Plenary Address. 7th International Conference: Classroom-oriented research. Konin, Poland. October 9th-11th, 2017.Classrooom-oriented research 2017 call for papers
- Keynote Address. The 7th National Conference on Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development, Changchun, China, 23-24, 2017.The 7th National Symposium on Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development
- Plenary Address: Day of Reflection, Korea TESOL, Sep, 2017. Day of Reflection 2017
- Plenary Address, TESL London, London, Ontario. May 13, 2017
- Plenary Address, Advancing The Profession Through Reflective Practice, TESOL Arabia, 2017 March. Dubai, UAE.
- Invited Workshop, Seneca College, March 1, 2017. Prince of Whales Hotel, NOTL, Ontario.
- Paper presented at TESOL International, Seattle, USA. March 2017.
- Paper presented at The Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii Jan 3-6, 2017.
- Paper presented at IFOR Hawaii International Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii Jan 8-10, 2017
- Keynote Address, TESOL Ontario, Toronto, Nov 25th, 2016.
- Plenary Address, Korea TESOL Conference, Seoul, Korea, Oct 15, 2016. korea-tesol-2016
- Plenary Address, Dankook University, Korea Oct 2016. dankook
- Invited Lecture Hankook Univ of Foreign Studies, Seoul Korea. Oct 18, 2016. flyerthomas
- Invited Workshop, Sookmyung Univ Seoul, Korea Oct 14, 2016. sookmyung
- Invited Lecture, Ewha University, Oct, 2016. Seoul, Korea.ewha
- Workshop on Reflective Practice, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, Sept, 12, 2016.UCD Dublin Ireland
- Public Lecture on Reflective Practice, Irish Association of Applied Linguistics (IRAAL), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Sept, 8th, 2016.
- Keynote Address 15th National Conference for Community Languages and ESOL, Hamilton, New Zealand July 2016.
- Ian Gordon Fellow 2016 Public Lecture: The Art of Burglary and Learning to Teach: The Importance of Reflective Practice in Language Education.
- Ian Gordon Fellow 2016, Victoria University, Wellington New Zealand.
- Invited Presentation & Workshop, Reflective Practice, May 26, 2016. Faculty of Education, Western University, London Ontario.ThomasFarrell-May2016
- Invited Panelist, TESOL 2016 International Convention & English Language Expo from 5-8 April 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Teachers Engagement with Research in Practice, Advocacy and Professional Growth.
- Invited Panelist, TESOL 2016 International Convention & English Language Expo from 5-8 April 2016,Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Critical Considerations in Advancing TESOL Teacher Education.
- Invited Colloquium/Public Lecture, University of Toronto Language and Literacies Education (LLE) Research Colloquium Public Lectures (OISE), January 27, 2016, Toronto: Reflective Practice: A Framework—Connections to Research.OISE events
- Keynote Address TESOL Chile, Santiago, Chile, November 13, 14, 2015 on Reflective Practice For Language Teachers: TESOL Chile Keynote Farrell
- 2 Day Seminar on Reflective Practice, Santiago, Chile: British Council/Ministry of Education, November 2015: Program: program
- Review of Chile Workshop: Boletín Facultad Educación DICIEMBRE 2015 Número 8
- Invited Lecture, Columbia University (Teachers College), New York, US, October 14, 2015:Reflective Practice, Farrell Flyer
- Distinguished Lecturer, Temple University Japan June, 2015 weekend seminars on Reflective Practice in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. Distinguished Lecturer Series: Nine times a year, the Distinguished Lecturer Series brings internationally recognized TESOL and Applied Linguistics scholars to TUJ for intensive weekend seminars.
- Keynote Address: TEAM 2015 Conference – “Directions”, The University of Winnipeg, May 29th 2015.—teaching–administrating-adult-eal.html
- team_conference_program_final_-_2015
- Keynote Address: The International Conference on English Education, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan. April 25-26, 2015. Taiwan
- Special Lecture: Hunter College/New York TESOL, New York, Feb 18, 2015. TESS 2015 Flier
- Plenary Address: JALT, November 2014, Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba) Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan:
- Invited Special Lecture, Kanda International University, Tokyo, Japan, Nov, 2014
- Invited Special Lecture: MACQUARY University, Sydney Australia, August 18th, 2014.
- Paper presented at the 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, held from the 10 – 15 August 2014 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
- Plenary Address New Directions in Reflective Practice, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, May 14, 2014.
- Invited Lecture Aston University, Birmingham, UK, May 12, 2014.
- Plenary Address Thailand, Bangkok CULI Post-RELC Conference–Plenary Address. April, 19 2014.
- Plenary Address RELC Conference Singapore, April 14-16, 2014–Plenary Address
- Plenary Address Dubai, UAE, TESOL Arabia, March 2014.
- Keynote Address at ELSA Net Conference, Vancouver, Canada, November 4, 2013:
- Invited Workshop On Reflective Practice, ELSA Net Conference, Vancouver, Canada, November 4th2013
- Plenary Address at Korea TESOL Conference, Seoul, Korea October 12, 13 2013. Reflecting on Practice.
- Plenary Address at Colloquium on Reflective Practice jointly organized by the Center For Applied Linguistics, University of Limerick, Ireland and the Irish Association of Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) in Limerick, Ireland on June 14th, 2013.
- Invited Workshop, TESL Toronto, May 24. Reflective Practice, University of Toronto.
- Plenary Address Dubai, UAE, May 16, 17 : Current Trends in Teacher Education.
- Invited Workshop TESOL International Convention. Dallas, Texas, USA. Teacher Development: An Ongoing Process. Thursday, March 21, 2013.
- Invited Lecture, CUNY, Lehman College, Bronx. New York City, Feb 20th, 2013. Reflective Practice
- Plenary Address, TESOL France, Paris, France. Nov 19th Reflective Practice.
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, Paris, France, Police Academy Nov 14th, 2012.
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, Strasbourg TESOL France, France, Nov 15th, 2012.
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, Telecom Paris Tech (University), Paris, France, Nov 16th
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, Beijing, China July, 2012.
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, National Institute of Education, Singapore, May, 2012
- Invited Lecture, Reflective practice, National Institute of Education, Singapore, May, 2012
- Invited Workshop, Reflective practice, Korea TESOL, Korea, May 2012.
- Invited Speaker, TESOL Philadelphia March 28-31, 2012
- Invited Lecture: City University of New York (CUNY), Reflective practice for language teachers. New York City, Feb 22, 2012.
- Featured Speaker, Reflective Practice, Korea TESOL Conference, Seoul, Korea October, 2011.
- Featured Workshop, Reflective Practice: Teachers. Korea TESOL Conference, Seoul, Korea October, 2011.
- Featured Workshop, Reflective Practice: Classrooms, Korea TESOL Conference, Seoul, Korea October, 2011.
- Plenary Address, Reflective Practice Bilkent University, Turkey, June 2011.
- Keynote Address, Language Teacher Education Conference, Bilkent University, Turkey, June, 2011
- IATEFL Plenary Session: Reflective practice for language teachers. IATEFL, April 18th, 2011, Brighton, UK.
- Invited Workshop, IATEFL, April 19th, 2011. Reflective Practice.
- Plenary session: Korea TESOL/PAC Conference, Seoul, Korea Oct 16-17, 2010.
- Invited Workshop: Ewha University, Seoul Korea, Oct 19, 2010.
- Distinguished Speaker Series: Lecture given at Hankok University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea. Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 2010.
- Invited Lecture: National University of Singapore, Oct, 10, 2010.
- Invited Lecture: Regional English Language Center (RELC), Singapore. Oct, 11, 2010.
- Invited Lecture: National Institute of Education, Singapore, Oct, 12, 2010.
- Invited Workshop: Invited workshop on Reflective Practice at the 2010 LINC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) Administrators Conference in Toronto on Feb. 1-3, 2010.
- Plenary Address: The International Young Learners TESOL Conference 2009 on Nov 21st in Singapore.
- Invited Lecture: National Institute of Education, Department of English Language & Literature (Nov, 24, 2009), Singapore.
- Invited Seminar: Nanyang Technological University, Faculty of Humanities (Nov 25, 2009), Singapore.
- Invited Workshop: National University of Singapore, Center for English Language (Nov 26, 2009), Singapore.
- Invited Lecture/Seminar: Hong Kong Institute of Education on Nov 31, 2009, Hong Kong.
- Plenary address: Research forum for language teachers at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in July 2009.
- Invited workshop: language teachers Indiana University of Pennsylvania on Reflective Practice, July 2009.
- Keynote Address Korea TESOL National Conference: Professional Development through Reflective Practice. Chungju, Korea, May 16, 2009.
- Invited Workshop Korea TESOL National Conference: Reflective Practice. Chunju, Korea, May 17, 2009
- Plenary Address TESOL Arabia, Dubai, March 2009.
- Plenary Workshop TESOL Arabia, Dubai, March 2009.
- Invited Workshop TESOL Arabia, Dubai, March 2009.
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